06-08-2011, 01:06 AM
(06-08-2011, 12:04 AM)denis23 Kirjutas: Airbag 9 aastat (Cadillac) enne seda, kui Mercedes "oli esimene"
Ehk siis esimesena panid autosse "tapvad padjad".

Tsitaat:Airbags for passenger cars were introduced in the United States in the mid-1970s, when seat belt usage rates in the country were quite low. Ford built an experimental fleet of cars with airbags in 1971, followed by General Motors in 1973 on Chevrolet vehicles. The early fleet of experimental GM vehicles equipped with airbags experienced seven fatalities, one of which was later suspected to have been caused by the airbag.[10]
MB pani nad esimesena tegema seda mida nad tänapäeval teevad.
Tsitaat:In 1981, Mercedes-Benz introduced the airbag in Germany as an option on its high-end S-Class (W126). In the Mercedes system, the sensors would automatically pre-tension the seat belts to reduce occupant's motion on impact (now a common feature), and then deploy the airbag on impact. This integrated the seat belts and airbag into a restraint system, rather than the airbag being considered an alternative to the seat belt.