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W124 bensuka püsikiiruse hoidja lisamine diisel mootoriga isendile
Kõik on võimalik, aga usu mind, see saab olema väga raske.

Lihtsam on sul osta, kas tutikas vanatüübi püsika mootor või leida korralik selline.
Selle uue püsika mootori aretamine läheb vääääga keeruliseks.
'When the flag drops, the bullshit stops'
Elbe Engineering
Minu probleemist kirjutab ka see remondiõpetus http://userweb.windwireless.net/~jimc/ma...cruisetest
The next test is done with the key on and the engine definitely not running. Connect one jumper between pins 5 and 3, another between pins 8 and 10, and another between pins 7 and 4. The ohmmeter should be connected between pins 13 and 14. When the Accel switch is activated the measured resistance should decrease smoothly to zero. Moving the switch to Cancel or pressing the brakes should return the resistance to the approximately 3000 ohms value. Repeat this test several times, especially trying to 'tease' it slowly. If the resistance jumps to a large value at any time the actuator itself has suffered internal damage to its feedback potentiometer, usually due to wear. I have heard of this being repaired by painting conductive substances on the damaged resistance track, but I have never done so. Procuring another actuator (used?) may be the best option at this point.

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