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w140 (92-98) / w210 (96-05/97) / w124 (94-95) ir pultide sünkroniseerimine
Kuna suht tihti küsitakse, siis panen siia vastavad juhised.

loodan, et enamus arvuti- ja netikasutajaid saavad i.keelest aru.


System operation

Infrared remote control 08/95

System LED located in centre fascia (if fitted).
Infrared receiver in door handles/boot:
When locking vehicle: Red LED in door handle/boot flashes.
When unlocking vehicle: Green LED in door handle/boot flashes.
Alarm system (if fitted):
Arms 15 seconds after locking vehicle with key remote control.
LED flashes continuously when system is activated.
When locking vehicle: Holding key remote control lock/unlock button in depressed position closes windows.
When unlocking vehicle: Holding key remote control lock/unlock button in depressed position opens windows.

NOTE: The key remote control MUST be pointed at the infrared receiver in the driver's door handle when opening or
closing windows.

Infrared remote control 09/95-05/97

System LED located in centre fascia (if fitted).
Infrared receiver in interior mirror:
When locking vehicle: Red LED in interior mirror flashes.
When unlocking vehicle: Green LED in interior mirror flashes.
Alarm system (if fitted):
Arms after locking vehicle with key remote control.
LED flashes continuously when system is activated.
When locking vehicle: Holding key remote control lock/unlock button in depressed position closes windows.
When unlocking vehicle: Holding key remote control lock/unlock button in depressed position opens windows.

NOTE: The key remote control MUST be pointed at the infrared receiver in the interior mirror when opening or closing

If both LEDs flash: Key remote control batteries discharged or system malfunction.

Radio frequency remote control 06/97

System LED located in gradient sensor deactivation switch.
Pressing key remote control lock button activates alarm system and locks all doors and fuel flap.
Indicators will flash three times.
LED flashes continuously when system is activated.
To activate/deactivate Global Locking:
Press and hold lock and unlock buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds.
Global Locking activated:
Pressing key remote control unlock button once deactivates alarm system and unlocks all doors and boot.
Indicators will flash once.
Global Locking deactivated:
Pressing key remote control unlock button once deactivates alarm system and unlocks driver's door and fuel flap.
Indicators will flash once.
Pressing key remote control unlock button twice deactivates alarm system and unlocks all doors and boot.
System will automatically lock all doors when vehicle is driven above 10 mph (15 km/h) (if function selected).
If vehicle unlocked and doors or boot not opened within 40 seconds, locks are reactivated.
When locking vehicle: Holding key remote control lock button in depressed position closes windows.
When unlocking vehicle: Holding key remote control unlock button in depressed position opens windows.

NOTE: The key remote control MUST be pointed at the infrared receiver in the driver's door handle when opening or
closing windows. Infrared is only used for this function, NOT for the alarm/central locking.

Alarm/central locking functions can be altered using diagnostic equipment.



Key remote control operated repeatedly while vehicle out of range and system becomes inoperative.
Key remote control batteries not replaced within 1 minute.
Key remote control added or replaced.

How - infrared remote control 08/95

Use infrared receiver in driver's door handle or next to boot lock button.
Point key remote control at receiver.
Press lock/unlock button.
Within 30 seconds: Manually lock or unlock vehicle using door/boot lock.
Key remote control should now operate system. If system does not operate, refer to programming.

How - infrared remote control 09/95-05/97

Infrared receiver in interior mirror.
Point key remote control at receiver.
Press lock/unlock button twice.
Within 30 seconds: Turn ignition switch to position II.
Key remote control should now operate system. If system does not operate, refer to programming.

How - radio frequency remote control 06/97

Point key remote control at vehicle.
Press lock or unlock button twice.
Within 30 seconds: Turn ignition switch to position II.
Key remote control should now operate system. If system does not operate, refer to programming.



Key remote controls added or replaced.
System malfunction.


Key remote controls can only be programmed using diagnostic equipment.
Tegin täpselt nii nagu juhendis, auto tuvastab puldi ära laseb käima panna aga uksi ei lukusta!
milles probleem?
(08-07-2011, 11:53 PM)Cusmu Kirjutas: Tegin täpselt nii nagu juhendis, auto tuvastab puldi ära laseb käima panna aga uksi ei lukusta!
milles probleem?

Sama teema, käima läheb ilma probleemideta, aga uste lukustamisele absull ei reageeri.
mul uksi lukustab ja aknaid ka liigutab, kui peal hoida... aga käima ei lähe
Kas keegi saaks selle õpetuse ära tõlkida?
Mulle kohe meenus vanasõna- lase sant sauna, tahab lavale kaEusa_angel
Tegelikult ei teeks paha natuke koolis käia ja erinevaid võõrkeeli õppida. Lisaks on internetis olemas selline programm, nagu google translate. See eeldab küll keelest natuke arusaamist, muidu võib asi naljakaks kätte minna.

Võimalikud seotud teemad...
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