(13-04-2019, 11:35 PM)onu_siim Kirjutas: COMAND does not support the SD card format “SD-HC 2.0 Standard”. Memory cards with over 2 GB of storage capacity are not supported. Not all SD memory cards and storage media are designed for the temperatures which may be reached in the vehicle.
Due to the wide range of SD memory cards available on the market, playback cannot be guaranteed for all brands of SD memory card.
No see on küll eriline ämber... W221-s toimib nii 32Gb kui ka 64Gb, kuid tegemist on CF kaardiga üle PCMCIA adapteri.
Mul polegi kuskilt võtta kaarti alla 32 Gb, kõik on suuremad, 2 Gb peale ei mahu midagi, parem siis juba mp3-DVD kõrvetada.
Või siiski, nagu esimeses postituses, et see Hiina "comand" sinna asemele panna. Kes sellega tegeleks? Ise ma eluilmas seda vahetust ei teosta.
Siin on justkui erinevat infot selle 2Gb-ga seoses. https://forums.mbclub.co.uk/threads/sd-c...it.132442/