08-02-2011, 12:38 AM
(08-02-2011, 12:12 AM)HullHunt Kirjutas: MUTE - END CALL - SERVICE Sellega väidetavalt saab sinna "engineerig menu" sealt edasi peaks olema "Yes and the hidden menu is #, * , left arrow. in that order and then all held down for a few seconds... it might be *, # but its either of those two alternatives ... dont have the damn thing with me now... changed it last night and worked 100% .... " copy paste siis teisest lingist mis ma andsin. Kui see ei aita siis peab vist mudima hakkama testri kaudu nagu siin ennem mainiti....aga edu üritamisel
Ok katsetan homme vaatab kas saab. annan teada kindlasti.