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ASR täielik väljalülitamine?
(04-04-2010, 09:02 AM)Karl Kirjutas: Ega ei saagi. See nupp on "lumeketi" lüliti ja pidurdab alguses ASR-i tööd.
Iseenesest piisab kapoti all ühe juhtme lahtivõtmisest,kuid siis kaob ka ABS.
Lüliteid on ise ka vahele tehtud minu teada, Martini vist oma 500-le tegi.

P.S. Tee huviliste teema alla jutt piltidega ka kui vähegi viitsid, ega neid
W124 viieliitriseid väga palju polegi Eestis.

Tere jälle!
Ise leidsin sellist infot, mis puudutab just nimelt samasugust autot. Salongis asuva mingisuguse "karbi" juurest tuleb üles otsida kolm juhet ja need läbi lõigata siis on ASR väljas ja ABS töötab.
Aga ma panen selle teksti siia juurde, et saate täpsemalt lugeda, igatahes kommentaarid sellele oleksid teretulnud!!!

Lisaks allolevale tekstile on veel vajalik see link http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/...ght=ASR+defeat
Siit leiab Renntech'i vidina paigaldusskeemi mille alusel vajalikud juhtmed üles leida. Segaseks jääb ainult see kuidas see asi edaspidi lülitatavaks teha?

Ok this is the deal. I am not too familiar with the electronics of cars but I will do my best to tell you everything I know.
After searching this site for about 2 weeks trying to figure out why it costs almost $1000 to get this damn ASR off in my car I ran into a post that showed a diagram of the ASR defeat system and the way it works. I also found complete instructions for installing the ASR defeat made by RENNtech and had a friend of mine take a look at it. After just a minute of looking at it my friend says "this is a piece of cake, how much did you say this costs?" 20 minutes later he tells me to take it for a spin and see if the wheels are spinning, and guess what, those tires were burning like no other benz ever burned. What you need to do first is find the installation instruction posted somewhere on this site, I cant find them again for some reason. Now, find the box located near the firewall on the driver's side being help by 4 allen screws, remove the the complete box, find the computer named ASR and remember what slot in went in to. If you look at the instructions it will give you colors of the wires and numbers, all my friend did was disconnect those 3 wires. This will completely turn off the ASR the car will burn rubber like you wont believe. Please excuse my limited knowledge of the process. My friend now made for my car a box with 3 modules or relays ( i dont remember which ones he said but I will ask him and post again) located inside, he will connect a switch to the box with modules or relays and I will be able to tur the ASR system on and off. I was gonna buy an original W140 ASR switch and put it on the panel next to the snow chain switch but I figured having it mounted under the steering column would give me an advantage of having it off when I give to my wife to drive and not having her mess around with too much power for her to handle. I have been driving the car for about 5 days now and can tell you that this has completely changed my views of te 500E, it is simply a 4 door porsche, amazing performance, a sedan like no other etc. I have read posts regarding the ASR defeat is kinda like keeping the snow tire chain system engaged for higher speeds, NOT TRUE, the wheels are still being kept from spinning. The ASR light has been on since this was done but I'm sure it will turn off after my on/off switch is switched to off. Let me know if you have any further question and I will try to answer them the best I can or I will ask my friend and get the right answers for you. ANYWAY SORRY FOR THE LONG POST BUT IT SURE BEATS PAYING ALMOST $1000 FOR SOMETHING SO SIMPLE.

Mis arvate???
P.S. Esimese hooga ei saa kohe arugi kuidas neid pilte siia üles laadida Smile ?

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RE: ASR täielik väljalülitamine? - Autor: Karl - 04-04-2010, 09:02 AM
RE: ASR täielik väljalülitamine? - Autor: kermo1 - 04-04-2010, 11:58 AM
RE: ASR täielik väljalülitamine? - Autor: Nustu826 - 04-04-2010, 02:18 PM
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RE: ASR täielik väljalülitamine? - Autor: v6sa - 05-04-2010, 08:45 AM
RE: ASR täielik väljalülitamine? - Autor: kermo1 - 05-04-2010, 01:45 PM
RE: ASR täielik väljalülitamine? - Autor: Karl - 05-04-2010, 01:52 PM
RE: ASR täielik väljalülitamine? - Autor: martiini - 05-04-2010, 09:02 PM

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