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Väike kokkuvõte: 55 on vanakoolim ja brutaalsem, 63 on rafineeritum ja igati uuema tehnoloogia ja tundega. 55 on kergemini tuunitav, 63 on parema häälega. Stockis on mõlemad umbes täpselt sama kiired.
Mercedes Enthusiast Magazine did an amazing comparison of both AMG V8 powerplants inside a Merc CLS. They ran a CLS63 against a CLS55 and came up with up with some numbers and good quotes. I thought every AMG freak that doesn't get this magazine would like to know the results and what they had to say (I can only say that I wish I was there for the test Click the image to open in full size.).
Here are some numbers they came up with:
0-mph - CLS63 (secs) - CLS55 (secs)
0-10 --- 0.7 -------------- 0.8
0-20 --- 1.4 -------------- 1.5
0-30 --- 2.0 -------------- 2.2
0-40 --- 2.8 -------------- 2.8
0-50 --- 3.7 -------------- 3.6
0-60 --- 4.6 -------------- 4.7
0-70 --- 5.9 -------------- 5.9
0-80 --- 7.3 -------------- 7.1
0-90 --- 8.7 -------------- 8.7
0-100 - 10.6 ------------- 10.5
0-110 - 12.6 ------------- 12.4
0-120 - 14.9 ------------- 14.7
0-130 - 17.4 ------------- 17.5
0-140 - 21.0 ------------- 21.4
0-150 - 25.2 ------------- 25.5
v-max - 155.9 ----------- 156.6
Here are some things they had to say about the cars:
- The 63 piiks its power down more effectively but the 55 is much more spectacular.
- The 63 has seven ratios to the 55's five, but from standstill through every increment up to 140 mph they're never more than 0.2 seconds apart.
- It may be more refined but the CLS63 is still blindingly fast.
- The 63's throttle response might be crispier, but after the slight pause in the 55 you're pinned to your seat with real brutality.
Ma olen CLS55ga sõitnud ja mulle väga meeldis. Tõtt-öelda jõudsingi ML63ni selle proovisõidu najalt. Lihtsalt soovisin nelikvedu (ja tagumist jalaruumi), kuna ehkki ML on palju kohmakam, siis normaalkiirustel (eriti veel meie kliimas) ei ole minu arvates 2WD neile mootoritele võrdväärne partner. Tuluke vilgub pidevalt.
Vabandust, ma uuesti lugedes sain aru, et teema on rohkem E vs CLS mitte niivõrd 55 vs 63. See E vs CLS on aga juba väga maitsest ja vajadustest sõltuv. CLS on seest väga kitsas (pakuks et C-klassis on ruumi rohkem). Tagumine jala- ja pearuum on 190cm juhi korral olematud (istmete vahe ca 10cm), taga on tal 2 istet. Aga muidugi on ta palju eksklusiivsem kui E-klass. Tehnika on neil sisuliselt sama.
Hort Autos osati päris palju CLS55 kohta rääkida, aga ma kahjuks ei mäleta mis teemad seal olid. Mingit kapitaalset tüüpviga ma ei mäleta, et oleks olnud.
MB G63 AMG; MB ML320; Porsche 911 Turbo; Audi Coupe Quattro V8; Volvo 940 SE; ZAZ 965 Cabrio