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Tervitused Soomest!
Ja vabandust, et ma ei räägi eesti keelt ..
Seetõttu ma küsin inglise keeles:

On our mercedes website ( http://www.mersuforum.net/forum/ ) has started a new topic about this firm: http://alvadi.ee/ .
Everybody are interested in how cheap their prices are.
New parts are much cheaper than used in here.
Example the steering servo pump to my S320:
New in here: 633 euros
Used: 250-400 euros
Alvadi's price for new: 103 euros
And all from the same manufacturer (LUK)..

That is why I ask you, is this a reliable company and do you have any experience with it?

(Sorry, if this story came to wrong topic)

(19-02-2012, 01:05 PM)Esa H. Kirjutas: Tervitused Soomest!
Ja vabandust, et ma ei räägi eesti keelt ..
Seetõttu ma küsin inglise keeles:

On our mercedes website ( http://www.mersuforum.net/forum/ ) has started a new topic about this firm: http://alvadi.ee/ .
Everybody are interested in how cheap their prices are.
New parts are much cheaper than used in here.
Example the steering servo pump to my S320:
New in here: 633 euros
Used: 250-400 euros
Alvadi's price for new: 103 euros
And all from the same manufacturer (LUK)..

That is why I ask you, is this a reliable company and do you have any experience with it?

(Sorry, if this story came to wrong topic)

Ainakin tuntuu, että kaikki on ok. Tutkisin tietoa netistä, ei mitään pahaa. Omistajat ovat venäläiset, yrityus on perustettu vuonna 2008. That´s all.
see on ihan OK paikka,olen itsek tilannut neilta ,kaikki toimi
I have ordered some body parts and quite fine so far, so i suggest this company.
" The Best Or Nothing"  Mercedes-Benz

Indrek Peets
Mercedes-Benz Eesti klubi juhatuse liige
indrek@clubmb.ee / 5121868
jeps, ihan OK. Jos mee pieleen niin rahat takaisin tai uusi tilaus. No problems.
W123 omanikuks olemisel on kaks varianti - sa oled kas väga rikas või mehaanik.

Võimalikud seotud teemad...
Teema: Autor Vastuseid: Vaatamisi: Viimane postitus
  Varuosad alvadi.ee Nookur 2 4,447 27-09-2011, 12:01 AM
Viimane postitus: Blaze

Kasutaja, kes vaatavad seda teemat: 1 külali(st)ne