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AMG Unwraps New 563-hp 5.5-liter V8 Biturbo

Haiged inimesed ikka Smile
Hõbenool OÜ: Automaatkäigukastide hooldus (dünaamiline õlivahetus e. "kastipesu"), diagnostika ja -remont. Turbiinide taastamine.
Eriti haige.
Krt, kuidas need suured kogused hobuseid asfaldile saab?
Pesuruumide ja saunade remont.
Aurusaunade ehitus.
W/C126 peenhäälestus. #w126garaaz
5 126 735
Mind hämmastab see, kuidas järjepidevalt võetakse kütust alla ja hj juurde. Uus otsesissepritse ja ülelaadimine on võlusõnad.
900 Nm at 2500-3750 rpm Smirk

Taking into account its enormous performance and torque figures the new AMG 5.5 liter V8 biturbo engine is in parts twice as efficient as many mid-segment or compact-class diesel engines. Icon_eek

The eight-cylinder biturbo engine also features the generator management system familiar from the E63 AMG: whenever the engine is on the overrun or when braking, kinetic energy is used to charge the battery rather than being wasted as heat in the usual way.This reduces the load on the engine and makes for fuel savings of around 0.15 liters per 100 kilometers according to the NEDC standard, and up to 0.2 l/100 km in
city traffic with its frequent overrun and braking phases.
Hõbenool OÜ: Automaatkäigukastide hooldus (dünaamiline õlivahetus e. "kastipesu"), diagnostika ja -remont. Turbiinide taastamine.

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