(06-04-2016, 09:06 AM)onu_siim Kirjutas: Kui andurid paigaldad, peab need STARiga ka sisse progema. Uuematel (166, 253 jms) pole seda enam teha vaja.
Kindel? Kogemust, praktilist, minul ei ole, kuid netiavaruse alusel, väidetavalt peaks ka ilmse selleta hakkama saama. Tegu küsimuse, mitte etteheitega.
Ostmisel (Ebayst) on vahe selles kas 433mhz v see teine sagedus. Üks neist oli EU oma, teine USA.
TPM do not start sending signals until they have been inflated to 3.2 bar
for the same model, new TPM are activated through the cluster.
Ignition ON
Scroll until display reads Tyre Pressure
press Cluster brightness and Reset
Display changes to Monitor Current Tyre Pressure"
Press + and -
you should then see "Tyre Pressure monitor activates display after driving for a few mins"
Switch off ignition.