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Leidsin omale nõksa kiirema masina
Kuna Haapsalus ei tahtnud mul niiviisi liikuda, nagu ta oleks pidanud, siis mõtlesin, et peaks saksast sutsuke kiirema ära tooma ja üks jäigi kohe silma

" The Best Or Nothing"  Mercedes-Benz

Indrek Peets
Mercedes-Benz Eesti klubi juhatuse liige
indrek@clubmb.ee / 5121868
see sul hea valik .See ka üks minu lemmikutest. eriti see mönus kere kuju sihuke matsakas.sellega teeks päris kövasti ilma.
Mercedeste haige.Keeran oma hõbenoole rooli.
lubage mul kahelda ostuplaani tõsiduses Tongue

proovi 3.2 mootorit. hinnad ka vägagi mõistlikud. mineku kohapealt tead vast ka.

Kui juba, siis juba, pealegi punnsilm mulle ei meeldi ja kupeest meeldib ainult SEC W126
" The Best Or Nothing"  Mercedes-Benz

Indrek Peets
Mercedes-Benz Eesti klubi juhatuse liige
indrek@clubmb.ee / 5121868
ei vaidle vastu mootori kohapealt.aga no punnsilma ja e 500 kerga w124 ju vörrelda ei saa.minu arust e500 ikka väga hea välimusega.aga jah maitse asi.
Mercedeste haige.Keeran oma hõbenoole rooli.
500E ei ulatu keskmise foorumikasutaja taskusse Smile ei hoolduse ega soetamise poole pealt.

tegemist porche juppidest kokku laotud massinaga ju...
Porche tehas pani neid tellimustööna kokku ka.....
“A Mercedes-Benz needs to look like a Mercedes-Benz. And another thing that’s just as important is harmonious model progression: the next model should never make the previous models look old.”
millest ka hind ja kvaliteet.
Indreku panud auto on ikka tase,kuid eks ta selle leidmisrõõmus pani,vaevalt seda keegi ostma hakkab.Auto on tase omaette küll.:cool2:
Oehhh... mida kõike head see Nõukogude võim inimkonnale on andnud!!! Alla Pugatšova, Linnahalli, Baikonuri kosmodroomi, Moskvitši... sinu, minu...
Pikk jutt From Wikipedia


Mercedes also included a sport version of the W124, the 500E, created in close cooperation with Porsche. Each 500E was hand-built by Porsche, being transported back and forth between the Mercedes plant and Porsche's Rossle-Bau plant in Zuffenhausen during assembly---taking a full 18 days to complete each model. Between 1991 and 1995, Mercedes/Porsche built a total of 10479 500E's. Of these, 1505 of the "super" sports sedans were imported into the USA between 1992-1994, or roughly 500 cars per year of importation. Called the 500E through model year 1993, in 1994 the 500E was face-lifted and re-badged the E500.
The 500E had a 32-valve V8 engine delivering 322 hp (240 kW) and 354 ft·lbf (480 N·m), with the engine being derived from the R129 500SL roadster. Sports car braking performance also came SL components: Front SL500 300mm disks with 4-piston calipers came installed on the 1992 and early 1993 cars. The later 1993, and all 1994 cars came with the upgraded 320mm set taken from the 600SL. Rear brakes on all years were 277mm brakes from the 500SL. In the USA, the 500E came fully-loaded, with the only options available to the buyer being a dealer-installed CD changer and an integrated telephone. The 500E was only available as a four-seater, with the four leather seats supplied by Recaro (the fronts heated).

Called the "Velvet Hammer" by Mercedes, and a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" by the press, performance tests of the day yielded impressive results: 0-60 mph (97 km/h) times of 5.5 seconds and accelerateration through the quarter-mile (0.4 km) in 14.1 seconds at 101 mph (163 km/h). Top speed was electronically limited to 155 mph (251 km/h). It was rated at 14 mpg (16.8 L/100 km) in the city and 17 mpg (13.8 L/100 km) on the highway.

With its aggressive stance: 1.5 inches wider track, 0.9 inch lower profile, flared fenders, side skirts, front air-dam and wide tires, the 500E is easily distinguished from its lesser brethren. Because of its look, limited numbers, hand-built construction, and unique pedigree, the 500E is already considered a "classic," even within Mercedes-Benz.

ühesõnaga - valus!
tegelikult on see SL500 jutt vist rohkem usa variandi teema. olen siin-seal neid ikka porche supportitega näinud.
sellega vist korraldatakse kiirmüüki, pikka aega oli 69-ga müügis siis 59-ga ja nüüd puha 45k aint. Rolz sa ei taha ve? viskad naha sisse ja ongi ponks...äkki :bigsmile:

setud sõitsid seciga
Ega ma nüüd mingi kupeede kollektsionäär ka ei ole, või on teil see sultan Brumei teema veel liiga värske?Icc
Tegelt mul sõber otsis endale w124 litsilõksu...
“A Mercedes-Benz needs to look like a Mercedes-Benz. And another thing that’s just as important is harmonious model progression: the next model should never make the previous models look old.”
ma tean kust korraliku elektrilise nahksisu saab Tongue
Andres Kirjutas:ma tean kust korraliku elektrilise nahksisu saab Tongue
ilmselt nii mõnigi veel... Smile

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