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Kliima "funktsioonid" - Kati555 - 23-04-2006

Nii, täna siis avastasin, et kui REST nuppu umbes 5 sekundit all hoida (elekrooniline kliima), siis displei muutub, tulevad igast arvud jne. Ja siis Auto nuppudega saab valida mida hetkel vaadata tahad. Aga kas keegi oskab öelda mis funktsioonid need on, et mida nad näitavad? leidsin mingi saksa keelse internetilehe ka, kes oskab võiks tõlkida neid funktsioone.
Nii, praegu olen siis teada saanud, et
01 - peaks näitama sisetemperatuuri
02 - välistemperatuuri
06 - jahutusvedeliku temperatuur kraadides
21 - näitab pöördeid
23 - vool akus protsentides
24 - aku pinge (V)

RE: Kliima "funktsioonid" - Eric - 23-04-2006

oi oi vaat mis lops mul ka sama asi ei teadnudki...huvitav huvitav...

RE: Kliima "funktsioonid" - Andres - 23-04-2006

olen kuulnud et näeb kõiki temperatuure ja isegi mootori pöördeid, aku pinget jne. see link räägib sama juttu.

RE: Kliima "funktsioonid" - kuld - 23-04-2006

Huvitav audi kliimal on ka selline funktsioon, 60 kohta kuskil. tean, et näitab kiirust, tahhokat, välistemp. laadimist rohkem ei tea. Ju mb-l näitab ka neid.

RE: Kliima "funktsioonid" - Rolz - 23-04-2006

In English:
To column Tipps & cheat I had gotten times workshop information into the fingers, which I pass on gladly at you... Who intended driving conditions and values for the functional monitoring to adjust wants, and/or itself interested in a more accurate announcement of certain values, the following "secret menu" should start at its MT (only for model of the series W 202/210/208; with integrieter climatic mechanism). On the control unit the climatic control are well-known-prove the keys "REMAINDER" to fan High + Low and/or. "car"... With models of the series 202 you issue simply the function that climate on "LO"... thus on, then you press "the REST" key approx.. 5 seconds. To 01 and/or the that appropriate value in the display the number appears alternating (designation further down). To scroll leaves itself by means of +/- key. With the 210-Modellen likewise the climate to LO switch, then also here the "REST" key approx.. 5 seconds press. Here can you through press the left or right "AUTO" key forwards -oder turn back (designation further down). With this version that climate (likewise 208) appears the value at the same time with the respective allocation in the display. Thus: On the left of e.g. 01, on the right of the value for the interior temp. in C° The menu switches off after switching the ignition off automatically again. PLEASE (!) considers traffic and cannot not too much be diverted. Functions - so far admits (Abk. in Clammy ones; KA = otherwise not available, S = series also available, Z = series as pointers): 01 = inside ambient temperature sensor in C° (KA) 02 = outside temperature sensor (s) 03 = heat exchangers left in C° (KA) 04 = heat exchangers right in C° (KA) 05 = evaporators in without (KA) 06 = engine cooling water in in C° (Z) 07 = cooling system in without (KA) 08 = cooling system in C° (Z) 09 =? 10 = radiators, and/or exhaust/power input in volt (KA) 11 = emission sensor/power input in volt (KA) 12 = sun sensor/power input in volt (KA) 20 = radiators, and/or exhaust/power input in mA (KA) 21 = U/min - announcement * 1000 (Z) 22 = speed without Tachoabweichung (!) (Z) 23 = power input battery in % (KA) 24 = battery voltage in volt (KA) HP: The 22 is the actual Fzg. Geschw., thus without Tachovoreilung. Therefore this yields naturally (to the possible surprise) the Tachogeschwindigkeit indicated of off (tolerance between indicated and actual speed permitted). Whether or other value for one appears personally useful, I may not judge. Interesting might be however or other value on case of each. I look e.g. repeatedly times on the interior temp and the function of the heat exchangers. Here one can very beautifully tighten whether the air conditioning system the full achievement really brings, or e.g. visiting of the workshop is meaningful. After with me the heat exchangers ever higher values (with rising interior temp.) had indicated, became - ansich closed climatic system equipped with new filling... see is frosty and the temp of the heat exchangers rising also not more so on there now it. Use on own danger (are in Germany; -) Otherwise much fun thereby: -) Love of greetings tonuses

RE: Kliima "funktsioonid" - Andres - 24-04-2006

kuidas Audil menüüsse pääseb?

RE: Kliima "funktsioonid" - kuld - 14-05-2006

Andres Kirjutas:kuidas Audil menüüsse pääseb?

Kliima tabloo juures need parempoolsed nupud. Vajutad kõigepealt alumise nupu alla, hoiad seda peal ja siis vajutad ka veel kõige ülemise nupu peale. Seepeale lööb vasakpolsele tabloole numbrid ette, valida saad siis nende nuppudega millega temp. muudad. Numbrikombinatsiooni saad aktiveerida kui vajutad seda parempoolset ülemist nuppu.

Loodan, et keeegi ka aru saab:bigsmile: